PoE+를 사용하기위한 익스트림 스위치 lldp 설정

PoE+를 사용하기위한 Extreme 스위치 lldp 설정

스위치 모델: x440-24P
AP : 802.3at(PoE+)
AP는 스위치의 12번 포트에 연결되어 있음.

802.3at 지원 AP를 연결했을때, AP가 정상 작동하지 않는 문제 발생함. 익스트림 x440-24p 모델은 802.3at(PoE+)를 지원함.

기존 설정은 아래와 같다.

switch # show config
configure lldp port 12 advertise vendor-specific dot3 power-via-mdi
configure lldp port 12 advertise vendor-specific med capabilities

스위치 포트의 lldp 상태를 보면, 802.3의 플래그가 P로 보인다.

switch # show lldp port 12
LLDP transmit interval           : 30 seconds
LLDP transmit hold multiplier    : 4  (used TTL = 120 seconds)
LLDP transmit delay              : 2 seconds
LLDP SNMP notification interval  : 5 seconds
LLDP reinitialize delay          : 2 seconds
LLDP-MED fast start repeat count : 3

LLDP Port Configuration:

Port    Rx        Tx        SNMP          --- Optional enabled transmit TLVs --
        Mode      Mode      Notification  LLDP   802.1  802.3  MED   AvEx  DCBX
12      Enabled   Enabled   --            --D--  ---    -P--   C--p  ----  --
Notification: (L) lldpRemTablesChange, (M) lldpXMedTopologyChangeDetected
LLDP Flags  : (P) Port Description, (N) System Name, (D) System Description
              (C) System Capabilities, (M) Mgmt Address
802.1 Flags : (P) Port VLAN ID, (p) Port & Protocol VLAN ID, (N) VLAN Name
802.3 Flags : (M) MAC/PHY Configuration/Status, (P) Power via MDI
              (+) Power via MDI with DLL Classification for PoE+,
              (L) Link Aggregation, (F) Frame Size
MED Flags   : (C) MED Capabilities, (P) Network Policy,
              (L) Location Identification, (p) Extended Power-via-MDI
AvEx Flags  : (P) PoE Conservation Request, (C) Call Server, (F) File Server
              (Q) 802.1Q Framing
DCBX Flags  : (I) IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX, (B) Baseline v1.01 DCBX

802.3at가 지원되도록 port 설정을 아래와 같은 방법으로 변경한다.
configure lldp ports [PORT_LIST] advertise vendor-specific med capabilities
configure lldp ports [PORT_LIST] advertise vendor-specific med power-via-mdi
configure lldp ports [PORT_LIST] advertise vendor-specific dot3 power-via-mdi with-classification
enable lldp ports [PORT_LIST]

switch # configure lldp port 12 advertise vendor-specific dot3 power-via-mdi with-classification
switch # configure lldp port 12 advertise vendor-specific med capabilities
switch # configure lldp port 12 advertise vendor-specific med power-via-mdi

설정 변경후 lldp 설정을 확인해 보면, 802.3 플래그가 +로 바뀐것을 볼 수 있다.

* switch.4 # show lldp port 12

LLDP transmit interval           : 30 seconds
LLDP transmit hold multiplier    : 4  (used TTL = 120 seconds)
LLDP transmit delay              : 2 seconds
LLDP SNMP notification interval  : 5 seconds
LLDP reinitialize delay          : 2 seconds
LLDP-MED fast start repeat count : 3

LLDP Port Configuration:

Port    Rx        Tx        SNMP          --- Optional enabled transmit TLVs --
        Mode      Mode      Notification  LLDP   802.1  802.3  MED   AvEx  DCBX
12      Enabled   Enabled   --            --D--  ---    -+--   C--p  ----  --
Notification: (L) lldpRemTablesChange, (M) lldpXMedTopologyChangeDetected
LLDP Flags  : (P) Port Description, (N) System Name, (D) System Description
              (C) System Capabilities, (M) Mgmt Address
802.1 Flags : (P) Port VLAN ID, (p) Port & Protocol VLAN ID, (N) VLAN Name
802.3 Flags : (M) MAC/PHY Configuration/Status, (P) Power via MDI
              (+) Power via MDI with DLL Classification for PoE+,
              (L) Link Aggregation, (F) Frame Size
MED Flags   : (C) MED Capabilities, (P) Network Policy,
              (L) Location Identification, (p) Extended Power-via-MDI
AvEx Flags  : (P) PoE Conservation Request, (C) Call Server, (F) File Server
              (Q) 802.1Q Framing
DCBX Flags  : (I) IEEE 802.1Qaz DCBX, (B) Baseline v1.01 DCBX

이후, AP 정상 작동됨을 확인 했음.

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