솔라리스 2.5.1에서 FIFO 에러

>Quick question: we’ve got our first PCI-based Sun, a brand new Ultra 5, just
>put Solaris 2.5.1 HW 11/97 and pretty recent recommended patches on it. A
>couple of times during the installation, and lots of times once we start X, we
>notice the following message appear in the console:
>NOTICE: m64: fifo error, bus_reg=7b23a040

Several people have told me incredibly quickly that I need Sun patch 103792-18
or later on 2.5.1, or 105362-18 or later on 2.6. A couple of people wondered
if 2.5.1 ran properly on the Ultra 5 – yes it does. I’ve grabbed the absolute
latest 103792-20 and installed that. I rebooted the machine and the message
goes away.

솔라리스 낮은버젼에서 ultra10 440MHz CPU를 썼을때 FIFO에러가 나는 모양이다.

위에것은 구글에서 찾은것인데..
패치하면 해결된다는 내용인것 같네.

GF시스템에 문의 한 결과.
solaris7 environmentCD를 넣고 부팅한후, 설치할 OS를 선택하면 된다고..

실제로는 안해봐서 모르겠다.

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