Cisco 4507 muxbuffer 에러

장비: Cisco 4507에서

에러 메시지
Error Message C4K_CHASSIS-3-MUXBUFFERREADSUPERVISORSELECTIONFAILED: Failed to read linecard [dec] muxbuffer supervisor selection register

configuration 초기화.
I/O 보드 인식 안됨
위 문서에 의하면,
Explanation The active supervisor tried to read alignment information for the switching module slot’s mux buffer from the chassis mux buffer module, but was unable to do so. This information is needed to make sure that switching module slot’s mux buffer is aligned towards the active supervisor engine.

Recommended Action If this message appears only once for a switching module, this could be a transient error and no action is required. If this message appears repeatedly (once every 5 minutes) on one or more switching modules please contact your technical support representative to replace the supervisor engine and chassis.

Active Supervisor가 스위칭 슬롯의 멀티플렉서 버퍼에 대한 정렬 정보를 새시 멀티플렉서 버퍼 모듈에서 읽으려고 시도했지만 할수 없었다. 이 정보는스위칭 모듈 슬롯의 멀티플렉서 버퍼가 Active supervisor 엔진쪽으로 정렬되어 있는지 확인하는데 필요하다.

메시지가 한번만 표시되면 일시적인 오류일 수 있으므로 별다른 조치가 필요하지 않다.
하나 이상의 스위칭 모듈에서 이 메시지가 반복적으로(5분에 한번 정도)나타나면 supervisor 엔진과 새시를 교체하라.

실제 조치한 내용
기존 I/O 보드(6번 슬롯에 장착됨)를 다른 슬롯에 장착하여 인식여부 확인(4,5번 인식 안됨, 7번 인식됨)하여 설정을 7번 슬롯에 맞도록 변경조치

아래 명령어로 i/o 보드 hot swap 교체

Switch# hw-module module 7 reset

교체후 모듈 확인해 보면 아래처럼 인식 되어 있음.

Switch#sh module
Chassis Type : WS-C4507R

Power consumed by backplane : 40 Watts

Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial No.
 1     2  Supervisor IV 1000BaseX (GBIC)         WS-X4515           JAE1244Z848 
 3     6  1000BaseX (GBIC)                       WS-X4306-GB        JAE1244YTZM 
 7    18  1000BaseX (GBIC)                       WS-X4418-GB        JAE15040CZ9 

 M MAC addresses                    Hw  Fw           Sw               Status
 1 0021.a015.8040 to 0021.a015.8041 5.5 12.2(31r)SGA 12.2(54)SG       Ok       
 3 001a.2f5e.fb30 to 001a.2f5e.fb35 4.4                               Ok       
 7 68ef.bdcf.d9ce to 68ef.bdcf.d9df 1.4                               Ok       

Mod  Redundancy role     Operating mode      Redundancy status
 1   Active Supervisor   SSO                 Active                            

일단 사용가능해진 상태에서, show inventory 명령으로 확인해 보면, Mux Buffer가 모두 보이지 않는다. 현재는 3,7번만 보이는 상태로
정상인 경우, 3,4,5,6,7번이 모두 보여야 한다.

Switch#sh inventory 
NAME: "Switch System", DESCR: "Cisco Systems, Inc. WS-C4507R 7 slot switch "
PID: WS-C4507R         , VID: V09  , SN: FOX1242GA2Q

NAME: "Clock Module", DESCR: "Clock Module"
PID: WS-X4K-CLOCK      , VID: V04  , SN: JAE1245ZSRU

NAME: "Mux Buffer 3 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4590          , VID: V04  , SN: JAE1241WSL1

NAME: "Mux Buffer 7 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4590          , VID: V04  , SN: JAE1241WSS3

NAME: "Linecard(slot 1)", DESCR: "Supervisor IV with 2 1000BaseX GBIC ports"
PID: WS-X4515          , VID: V14  , SN: JAE1244Z848

NAME: "Linecard(slot 3)", DESCR: "1000BaseX (GBIC) with 6 1000 GBIC ports"
PID: WS-X4306-GB       , VID: V12  , SN: JAE1244YTZM

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/1", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12440UM8

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/2", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12440UMK

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/3", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12430SJV

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/4", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415438

NAME: "Linecard(slot 7)", DESCR: "1000BaseX (GBIC)  with 18 1000 GBIC ports"
PID: WS-X4418-GB       , VID: V06  , SN: JAE15040CZ9

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/1", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390TU4

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/2", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390THX

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/3", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R59

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/4", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R4C

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/5", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R5M

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/6", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390TTX

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/7", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: AFARW60    

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/8", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390TTW

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/9", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415435

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/10", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R4X

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/11", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12430SYQ

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/12", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415443

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/13", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415440

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/14", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415442

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/15", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415437

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/16", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415436

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/17", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: 9905090502571200

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/18", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415472

NAME: "Fan", DESCR: "FanTray"
PID: WS-X4597          , VID: V08  , SN: NWG1240030C

NAME: "Power Supply 1", DESCR: "Power Supply ( AC 1300W )"
PID: PWR-C45-1300ACV   , VID: V05  , SN: DTM124400PQ

NAME: "Power Supply 2", DESCR: "Power Supply ( AC 1300W )"
PID: PWR-C45-1300ACV   , VID: V05  , SN: DTM124400R6

Mux Buffer만 교체 해도 될것 같으나 Recommended Action에 따라 Chassis 를 교체하기로 결정하고 chassis를 교체하였음.
이후 show inventory명령을 실행하면, 아래처럼 5개의 Mux Buffer가 보인다.

Switch#sh inventory 
NAME: "Switch System", DESCR: "Cisco Systems, Inc. WS-C4507R 7 slot switch "
PID: WS-C4507R         , VID:      , SN: FOX08190662

NAME: "Clock Module", DESCR: "Clock Module"
PID: WS-X4K-CLOCK      , VID:      , SN: JAE0821JMFT

NAME: "Mux Buffer 3 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4K-MUX        , VID:      , SN: JAE0815BZKS

NAME: "Mux Buffer 4 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4K-MUX        , VID:      , SN: JAE0815BZMG

NAME: "Mux Buffer 5 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4K-MUX        , VID:      , SN: JAE0826MN6T

NAME: "Mux Buffer 6 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4K-MUX        , VID:      , SN: JAE0826MPQX

NAME: "Mux Buffer 7 ", DESCR: "Mux Buffers for Redundancy Logic"
PID: WS-X4K-MUX        , VID:      , SN: JAE0826MPRG

NAME: "Linecard(slot 1)", DESCR: "Supervisor IV with 2 1000BaseX GBIC ports"
PID: WS-X4515          , VID: V14  , SN: JAE1244Z848

NAME: "Linecard(slot 3)", DESCR: "1000BaseX (GBIC) with 6 1000 GBIC ports"
PID: WS-X4306-GB       , VID: V12  , SN: JAE1244YTZM

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/1", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12440UM8

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/2", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415437

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/3", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12430SJV

NAME: "GigabitEthernet3/4", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12430SYQ

NAME: "Linecard(slot 7)", DESCR: "1000BaseX (GBIC)  with 18 1000 GBIC ports"
PID: WS-X4418-GB       , VID: V06  , SN: JAE15040CZ9

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/1", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: AFARW60    

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/2", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390TU4

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/3", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390TTX

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/4", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390THX

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/5", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R4C

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/6", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R59

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/7", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390TTW

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/8", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R5M

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/9", DESCR: "1000BaseSX"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12390R4X

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/10", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415443

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/11", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: FNS12440UMK

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/12", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415435

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/13", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415438

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/14", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415442

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/15", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415436

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/16", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415440

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/17", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: LX100415472

NAME: "GigabitEthernet7/18", DESCR: "1000BaseLH"
PID: Unspecified       , VID:      , SN: 9905090502571200

NAME: "Fan", DESCR: "FanTray"
PID: WS-X4597          , VID:      , SN: NWG08170161

NAME: "Power Supply 1", DESCR: "Power Supply ( AC 1300W )"
PID: PWR-C45-1300ACV   , VID: V05  , SN: DTM124400PQ

NAME: "Power Supply 2", DESCR: "Power Supply ( AC 1300W )"
PID: PWR-C45-1300ACV   , VID: V05  , SN: DTM124400R6

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