[GNS3 Labs. EXOS] VLAN 과 IVR 설정

EXOS vlan 과 IVR 기본 설정

* 구성환경
GNS3 EXOS vm: ExtremeXOS version

1. 스위치 호스트네임 변경

* EXOS-VM.1 # configure snmp sysname EXSwitch1
* EXSwitch1.2 #

2. default vlan에서 포트 제거
Default VLAN에서 모든 스위치 포트를 제거하고 확인한다.

* EXSwitch1.2 # configure vlan 1 delete port all
* EXSwitch1.3 # sh vlan
Untagged ports auto-move: Off
Name            VID  Protocol Addr       Flags                         Proto  Ports  Virtual
                                                                              Active router
Default         1    --------------------------------T---------------  ANY    0 /0   VR-Default
Mgmt            4095  /16  ----------------------------  ANY    1 /1   VR-Mgmt
Flags : (B) BFD Enabled, (c) 802.1ad customer VLAN, (C) EAPS Control VLAN,
        (d) Dynamically created VLAN, (D) VLAN Admin Disabled,
        (e) CES Configured, (E) ESRP Enabled, (f) IP Forwarding Enabled,
        (F) Learning Disabled, (i) ISIS Enabled,
        (I) Inter-Switch Connection VLAN for MLAG, (k) PTP Configured,
        (l) MPLS Enabled, (L) Loopback Enabled, (m) IPmc Forwarding Enabled,
        (M) Translation Member VLAN or Subscriber VLAN, (n) IP Multinetting Enabled,
        (N) Network Login VLAN, (o) OSPF Enabled, (O) Virtual Network Overlay,
        (p) PIM Enabled, (P) EAPS protected VLAN, (r) RIP Enabled,
        (R) Sub-VLAN IP Range Configured, (s) Sub-VLAN, (S) Super-VLAN,
        (t) Translation VLAN or Network VLAN, (T) Member of STP Domain,
        (v) VRRP Enabled, (V) VPLS Enabled, (W) VPWS Enabled, (Z) OpenFlow Enabled

Total number of VLAN(s) : 2

3. VLAN fox, wolf 생성
tag 번호가 VLAN ID가 됨. tag를 주지 않으면 임의의 VID가 부여되며, 나중에 변경도 가능하다.

* EXSwitch1.4 # create vlan fox tag 10
* EXSwitch1.5 # create vlan wolf tag 20
* EXSwitch1.6 # show vlan
Untagged ports auto-move: Off
Name            VID  Protocol Addr       Flags                         Proto  Ports  Virtual
                                                                              Active router
Default         1    --------------------------------T---------------  ANY    0 /0   VR-Default
fox             10   ------------------------------------------------  ANY    0 /0   VR-Default
Mgmt            4095  /16  ----------------------------  ANY    1 /1   VR-Mgmt
wolf            20   ------------------------------------------------  ANY    0 /0   VR-Default
Flags : (B) BFD Enabled, (c) 802.1ad customer VLAN, (C) EAPS Control VLAN,
        (d) Dynamically created VLAN, (D) VLAN Admin Disabled,
        (e) CES Configured, (E) ESRP Enabled, (f) IP Forwarding Enabled,
        (F) Learning Disabled, (i) ISIS Enabled,
        (I) Inter-Switch Connection VLAN for MLAG, (k) PTP Configured,
        (l) MPLS Enabled, (L) Loopback Enabled, (m) IPmc Forwarding Enabled,
        (M) Translation Member VLAN or Subscriber VLAN, (n) IP Multinetting Enabled,
        (N) Network Login VLAN, (o) OSPF Enabled, (O) Virtual Network Overlay,
        (p) PIM Enabled, (P) EAPS protected VLAN, (r) RIP Enabled,
        (R) Sub-VLAN IP Range Configured, (s) Sub-VLAN, (S) Super-VLAN,
        (t) Translation VLAN or Network VLAN, (T) Member of STP Domain,
        (v) VRRP Enabled, (V) VPLS Enabled, (W) VPWS Enabled, (Z) OpenFlow Enabled

Total number of VLAN(s) : 4

4. VLAN에 untagged 포트 할당
untagged 포트는 하나의 VLAN에만 속할 수 있다.

* EXSwitch1.7 # configure vlan fox add ports 1-5 untagged
* EXSwitch1.8 # configure vlan wolf add ports 6-12 untagged

이제 VPCS-1과 VPCS-2, VPCS-3과 VPCS-4는 같은 VLAN에 속해 있으므로 통신이 가능하다.

VPCS-1> sh ip

NAME        : VPCS-1[1]
IP/MASK     :
DNS         :
MAC         : 00:50:79:66:68:00
LPORT       : 10034
MTU:        : 1500

VPCS-1> ping
84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=5.990 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.185 ms

5. IVR 설정
VPCS-1과 VPCS-3은 다른 VLAN에 속해 있으므로 통신이 안된다. 이를 가능하도록 vlan에 ip주소를 할당하고, ipforward를 설정한다.

* EXSwitch1.9 # configure vlan fox ipaddress
IP interface for VLAN fox has been created.
* EXSwitch1.10 # configure vlan wolf ipaddress
IP interface for VLAN wolf has been created.
* EXSwitch1.11 # show vlan
Untagged ports auto-move: Off
Name            VID  Protocol Addr       Flags                         Proto  Ports  Virtual
                                                                              Active router
Default         1    --------------------------------T---------------  ANY    0 /0   VR-Default
fox             10  /24  ----------------------------  ANY    5 /5   VR-Default
Mgmt            4095  /16  ----------------------------  ANY    1 /1   VR-Mgmt
wolf            20    /24  ----------------------------  ANY    7 /7   VR-Default
Flags : (B) BFD Enabled, (c) 802.1ad customer VLAN, (C) EAPS Control VLAN,
        (d) Dynamically created VLAN, (D) VLAN Admin Disabled,
        (e) CES Configured, (E) ESRP Enabled, (f) IP Forwarding Enabled,
        (F) Learning Disabled, (i) ISIS Enabled,
        (I) Inter-Switch Connection VLAN for MLAG, (k) PTP Configured,
        (l) MPLS Enabled, (L) Loopback Enabled, (m) IPmc Forwarding Enabled,
        (M) Translation Member VLAN or Subscriber VLAN, (n) IP Multinetting Enabled,
        (N) Network Login VLAN, (o) OSPF Enabled, (O) Virtual Network Overlay,
        (p) PIM Enabled, (P) EAPS protected VLAN, (r) RIP Enabled,
        (R) Sub-VLAN IP Range Configured, (s) Sub-VLAN, (S) Super-VLAN,
        (t) Translation VLAN or Network VLAN, (T) Member of STP Domain,
        (v) VRRP Enabled, (V) VPLS Enabled, (W) VPWS Enabled, (Z) OpenFlow Enabled

Total number of VLAN(s) : 4

* EXSwitch1.12 # enable ipforwarding vlan fox
* EXSwitch1.13 # enable ipforwarding vlan wolf

VLAN을 확인해 본다.

* EXSwitch1.14 # sh vlan
Untagged ports auto-move: Off
Name            VID  Protocol Addr       Flags                         Proto  Ports  Virtual
                                                                              Active router
Default         1    --------------------------------T---------------  ANY    0 /0   VR-Default
fox             10  /24  -f--------------------------  ANY    5 /5   VR-Default
Mgmt            4095  /16  ----------------------------  ANY    1 /1   VR-Mgmt
wolf            20    /24  -f--------------------------  ANY    7 /7   VR-Default
Flags : (B) BFD Enabled, (c) 802.1ad customer VLAN, (C) EAPS Control VLAN,
        (d) Dynamically created VLAN, (D) VLAN Admin Disabled,
        (e) CES Configured, (E) ESRP Enabled, (f) IP Forwarding Enabled,
        (F) Learning Disabled, (i) ISIS Enabled,
        (I) Inter-Switch Connection VLAN for MLAG, (k) PTP Configured,
        (l) MPLS Enabled, (L) Loopback Enabled, (m) IPmc Forwarding Enabled,
        (M) Translation Member VLAN or Subscriber VLAN, (n) IP Multinetting Enabled,
        (N) Network Login VLAN, (o) OSPF Enabled, (O) Virtual Network Overlay,
        (p) PIM Enabled, (P) EAPS protected VLAN, (r) RIP Enabled,
        (R) Sub-VLAN IP Range Configured, (s) Sub-VLAN, (S) Super-VLAN,
        (t) Translation VLAN or Network VLAN, (T) Member of STP Domain,
        (v) VRRP Enabled, (V) VPLS Enabled, (W) VPWS Enabled, (Z) OpenFlow Enabled

Total number of VLAN(s) : 4

이제, fox vlan과 wolf vlan 간 통신을 확인 해 본다.

VPCS-1> sh ip

NAME        : VPCS-1[1]
IP/MASK     :
DNS         :
MAC         : 00:50:79:66:68:00
LPORT       : 10034
MTU:        : 1500

VPCS-1> ping
84 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=13.740 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=1.503 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=1.741 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=1.830 ms
84 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=1.768 ms

잘 된다!!!

여기까지의 스위치(EXSwitch1) 설정은 아래와 같다.

* EXSwitch1.17 # sh config
# Module devmgr configuration.
configure snmp sysName "EXSwitch1"
configure snmp sysContact "support@extremenetworks.com, +1 888 257 3000"
configure sys-recovery-level switch reset

# Module vpex configuration.

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
configure vlan default delete ports 1-12
create vlan "fox"
configure vlan fox tag 10
create vlan "wolf"
configure vlan wolf tag 20
configure vlan fox add ports 1-5 untagged
configure vlan wolf add ports 6-12 untagged
configure vlan fox ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan fox
configure vlan wolf ipaddress
enable ipforwarding vlan wolf

# Module mcmgr configuration.

# Module otm configuration.

# Module fdb configuration.

# Module rtmgr configuration.

# Module policy configuration.

# Module aaa configuration.

# Module acl configuration.

# Module bfd configuration.

# Module bgp configuration.

# Module cfgmgr configuration.

# Module dosprotect configuration.

# Module dot1ag configuration.

# Module eaps configuration.

# Module edp configuration.

# Module elrp configuration.

# Module ems configuration.

# Module epm configuration.

# Module erps configuration.

# Module esrp configuration.

# Module etmon configuration.

# Module exsshd configuration.

# Module hal configuration.
configure ports 1 debounce time 0
configure ports 2 debounce time 0
configure ports 3 debounce time 0
configure ports 4 debounce time 0
configure ports 5 debounce time 0
configure ports 6 debounce time 0
configure ports 7 debounce time 0
configure ports 8 debounce time 0
configure ports 9 debounce time 0
configure ports 10 debounce time 0
configure ports 11 debounce time 0
configure ports 12 debounce time 0

# Module idMgr configuration.

# Module ipSecurity configuration.

# Module isis configuration.

# Module lldp configuration.

# Module mrp configuration.

# Module msdp configuration.

# Module netLogin configuration.

# Module netTools configuration.

# Module ntp configuration.

# Module ospf configuration.

# Module ospfv3 configuration.

# Module ovsdb configuration.

# Module pim configuration.

# Module poe configuration.

# Module rip configuration.

# Module ripng configuration.

# Module snmpMaster configuration.

# Module stp configuration.

# Module techSupport configuration.

# Module telnetd configuration.

# Module tftpd configuration.

# Module thttpd configuration.

# Module twamp configuration.

# Module vmt configuration.

# Module vrrp configuration.

# Module vsm configuration.

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